Legal Separation — WHATLEY LAW FIRM


Family Law Attorneys Serving Contra Costa County

Whatley Law Firm is a divorce and family law firm in Martinez, California serving Contra Costa County. We are dedicated to providing a gentle transition for families who are undergoing legal and personal changes. We work to deliver real and relevant solutions for your family, so that you can remove the focus from your problems and begin to create a life that reflects the needs of the people for whom you care. We are the Family Law/Divorce Law firm that considers your best interests first.  


When Separation is the Answer
Separation is an optional step in your divorce proceedings—you are apart from your former spouse now, and the separation agreement outlines the terms of breaking apart. Or, some families prefer to work with Whatley Law Firm so that separation is the final step in the legal process of the marriage.  You may have moral, religious, or child-related reasons for leaving your marriage bonds intact, and separation can ease certain emotional strains while preserving the legal marriage.

We can also explain to you the pros and cons of filing for a legal separation as opposed to a divorce. It is absolutely possible to balance your legal, financial, and emotional concerns with a separation agreement.  

We offer kind, focused guidance through your separation

We believe in working together to find legal solutions for families in delicate situations.  When your life reaches this step, you need a specific separation agreement that covers a variety of objectives:

  • Child custody and visitation
  • Child support payments
  • Alimony/spousal support
  • Property division
  • Division of debts
  • Health insurance
  • Disposition of the marital home
  • Pension or other retirement plans
  • Tax issues
  • Future dispute settlement

Whatley Law Firm can draft your separation agreement, so that your family has a game plan for getting through the legal separation.  If you are having a tough time agreeing to the terms of the separation agreement, we can represent you through the negotiation process as well.  

If you are considering a legal separation in Contra Costa County or have other family law issues, please contact our office at (925) 228-0800 for your free 30-minute consultation.

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